
The book is alive!

The Book is Alive! is a collaboration between the Centre for Media and Cultural Research (CMCR) at LSBU and bookRoom.

The publication is published by RGAP, edited by Emmanuelle Waeckerlé and Richard Sawdon-Smith, designed by studio mothership and Ken Borg with an introductory essay by E.Waeckerlé and an exclusive illustrated interview with Joan Fontcuberta. It is distributed by Cornerhouse.

A survey of current thinking and innovative practice in contemporary publishing presented at the BOOKLIVE! International symposium in London in June 2012.  This 2 days event brought together theorists, researchers and practitioners to examine the current ‘transforming’ of the book and its ability to keep up with digital culture and the emergence of new modes of making, reading, collecting and disseminating ‘on the page’ work.

With contributions from in (alphabetic order)
Andrej Blatnik (SVN), Sarah Bodman (UK), Marco Bohr (UK), Daniela Cascella (UK), Amanda Couch (UK), Arnaud Desjardin (UK), Joan Fontcuberta (SP) , Matt Hulse & Barnaby Dicker (UK), Annabel Frearson (UK), Sharon Helgason Gallagher (US), Peter Jaeger (UK), Paul Jeff & Laura Jenkins (UK), Susan Johanknecht & Katharine Meynell (UK), Marcus Kaiser (GER),, Sharon Kivland &, Nick Thurston (UK), Didier Mathieu (FRA), Romi Mikulinsky (AUS), Christoph Nicolas (GER), Paula Roush (UK) & Maria Lusitano (SWE), Mark Sanderson (UK), Sylvia Alexandra Schimag (GER), Andreas Schmidt (UK), David W. Speck (UK), Seekers of Lice (UK), Paul Soulellis (US), Stefan Szczelkun (UK), Rahel Zoller (UK)

208 pages, edition of 500 (almost out of stock) 165 x 230mm – offset printing, soft cover, pure binding. ISBN 978–0–9569024–5–0 (20£)

buy a copy here  or download a free pdf here

Maria White reviews The Book is Alive! in Book Arts Newsletter, issue 86 (page 36 to 38) December 2013 – January 2014.

The Book is Alive! was launched at the Whitechapel gallery international book fair with a panel discussion on how the book can keep up with digital culture through new modes of making, distributing and reading (Friday 13 September 2013)

with Gordon Macdonald (publisher GOST Books), Michael Mack (publisher Mack Books, MAPP), Colin Sackett (artist, book designer and publisher Uniformbooks), Susan Johanknecht (artist, writer, publisher, Subject Leader of MA Book Arts at Camberwell College of Arts), Nick Thurston (artist and co-editor information as material), chaired by Emmanuelle Waeckerlé (artist, MOIedition, bookRoom director).

Filed in Projects from the Press, Research Projects

Posted on November 8, 2013 by
