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RISE WITH YOUR CLASS NOT FROM IT /Working Press: books by and about working class artists 1986 –1996/ A new bookRoom press publication (Sept. 2016) edited and introduced by Emmanuelle Waeckerlé, designed by Mason Terrill. The fruit of a collaboration with artist/activist/creator of the Working Press archive Stefan Szczelkun and keeper archivist Rebekah Taylor. Rise [read more]


Filed in Latest News, Projects from the Press, Research Projects

Posted on September 23, 2016 by


building a better world / working (with) archive – Workshop

A 3 weeks workshop, as a follow up to the eponymous study day part of Stefan Szczelkun creative residency at UCA Farnham. Katarina Becker, Elodie Duncan-Duplain, Annie Haggarty, Catinca Malaimare, Susan Merrick, Iana Mizguina, Tom Ridgeway, John Smith, Oriyomi Oladunjoye worked with Stefan Szczelkun, (creator of the Working Press archive), Rebekah Taylor (archivist), Emmanuelle Waeckerle (publisher), David Moore [read more]


Filed in Other, Research Projects

Posted on May 25, 2016 by


‘WORKING PRESS: books by and about working class artists’ 1986 – 1996

WORKING PRESS: books by and about working class artists’ 1986 – 1996’ was an unfunded self-publication imprint that was started in 1985 by Doctor Stefan Szczelkun (an artist and retired academic from Westminster University) and Graham Harwood, Graphic Designer: ‘Artists were invited to make a book and to get it printed to include a Working Press ISBN [read more]


Filed in Research Projects

Posted on November 8, 2013 by