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bookRoom at Small Publishers fair 2017

Friday 10th and Saturday 11th November (11am to 7pm) bookRoom took part in London’s annual Small Publishers fair exhibiting new and recent book works by Greig Burgoyne & Rossella Emanuele, Amanda Couch, Mindy Lee & Richard Nash, Ollie Gapper, Greg Jones, Adam Knight, Virginie Rebetez & Delphine Bedel, David Rule, Stefan Szczelkun & Rebekah Taylor, Mariya Ustymenko, Manuel Vason, Emmanuelle [read more]


Filed in Book Fairs, Events, Latest News

Posted on October 31, 2017 by



bookRoom is taking part in Bristol’s biannual BABE on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd April  (11am to 5pm). with new and recent book works by Simon Aeppli, Greig Burgoyne & Rossella Emanuele, Amanda Couch, Mindy Lee & Richard Nash, Maren Hahnfeld, Greg Jones, Virginie Rebetez & Delphine Bedel, David Rule, Stefan Szczelkun & Rebekah Taylor, Mariya Ustymenko, Emmanuelle Waeckerlé. The occasion [read more]


Filed in Book Fairs, Events, Latest News

Posted on March 27, 2017 by


bookRoom at Small Publishers fair 2016

bookRoom is taking part in London’s annual Small Publishers fair on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th November (11am to 7pm) exhibiting new and recent book works by Amanda Couch, Mindy Lee & Richard Nash, Maren Hahnfeld, Greg Jones, Virginie Rebetez & Delphine Bedel, David Rule, Mason Terrill, Stefan Szczelkun & Rebekah Taylor, Mariya Utsimenko, Emmanuelle Waeckerlé. Saturday 5th [read more]


Filed in Book Fairs

Posted on November 3, 2016 by


bookRoom @ PAGES leeds

bookRoom took part for the first time at PAGES Leeds, the 19th international contemporary artists book fair on the 5th-6th March 2016 with three recent bookRoom press publications by Amanda Couch, Andrew Hladky, Mindy Lee and Richard Nash; David Rule; and CODE X  as well as new book works by Greg Jones, Mariya Ustymenko (bookRoom artist in residence) and Emmanuelle Waeckerle and [read more]


Filed in Book Fairs, Events

Posted on March 7, 2016 by


Code-X – Paper, Ink, Pixel and Screen

A bookRoom press publication edited by Danny Aldred and Emmanuelle Waeckerlé. With a foreword by Alessandro Ludovico and endnotes by John Warwicker.  Code X brings together a selection of personal histories of the current ‘transforming’ and ‘expanding’ of the book medium with the aim to challenge the very notion of what it could be(come) in today’s complex information era. The design of Code—X within [read more]


Filed in Projects from the Press, Research Projects

Posted on October 22, 2015 by