
Code—X : Paper, Ink, Pixel and Screen @ PRINTED MATTER

Printed Matter hosts a New York launch for Code—X : Paper, Ink, Pixel and Screen on Thursday 12th November, 6 to 8pm.

The event includes a talk by co-editor Danny Aldred  & a presentation by Paul Soulellis (contributor), BOOK IS THE BOOK, a reading in 103 parts, illustrated by Google. (see images above)

CODE X is a new bookRoom press publication edited by Danny Aldred and Emmanuelle Waeckerlé, with a  foreword by Alessandro Ludovico and endnotes by John Warwicker.

Code—X brings together a selection of projects and personal histories of the current transforming and expanding of publishing and the book medium with the aim to challenge the very notion of what it could be(come) in today’s complex information era.

276 pages. RRP £20.00 – ISBN 978-0-9576828-3-2

CODEX press release

the book is available online here

Filed in Events, Latest News, Other

Posted on November 11, 2015 by
