An exhibition and artist book by Victoria Cooper-Pedrote 11th December 2023 – 7th January 2024 Foyer Gallery, UCA Farnham campusOpening: 12th October, 5 to 7pm This body of work explores the significance of approaching touch and other senses as the means to access and process emotions, on and off the page. ‘I use my fingertips to disconnect [read more]
The PORTRAIT ROOMs by Caroline Molloy ISBN 978-0-9576828-9-4 (bookRoom Press 2022)Edited by Emmanuelle Waeckerlé – Designed by Sara Jonesedition of 100, 64 pages, 17x15cm, digital printing, perfect bound – 15£ Launched at the Small Publishers Fair in London on 29/10/2022 This new bookRoom press publication is based on a close reading of a large sample of [read more]
Profound Sound Festival for Open Quarter, Folkestone Saturday 2nd July 2022, at 6pm with N.O. Moore (electronics), Edward Shipsey (voice), Emmanuelle Waeckerlé (voice) This is the first off-site concert, taking to Folkestone part of a concert that took place in April 2021, at IKLEKTIK, as well as new work on the theme. We are continuying [read more]
Thursday 3rd February 2022, at 8pm Live and Streamed from London IKLECTIK Tickets: £10 Advance / Students £7 | £12 otd / £9 students – Buy ticket here This is the 9th iteration of the streamed concerts series after Parkinson Saunders (May 2021), Voice & Electronics with Sadd, Moore, Waeckerlé and Ziv (April 2021), [read more]
An online exhibition and five e-publications (launching on Monday 15th February 2021 at 4pm) This is a 2nd year collaboration between Film & Digital Art students and the bookRoom led by Jeremiah Ambrose and Emmanuelle Waeckerlé. Torn Together – “Two words, so as to evoke a chain of events: what was torn and split got seized [read more]