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Code-X – Paper, Ink, Pixel and Screen

A bookRoom press publication edited by Danny Aldred and Emmanuelle Waeckerlé. With a foreword by Alessandro Ludovico and endnotes by John Warwicker.  Code X brings together a selection of personal histories of the current ‘transforming’ and ‘expanding’ of the book medium with the aim to challenge the very notion of what it could be(come) in today’s complex information era. The design of Code—X within [read more]


Filed in Projects from the Press, Research Projects

Posted on October 22, 2015 by


CODE X: Paper Pixel and Beyond @ the Whitechapel Gallery

A talk and panel discussion organised in partnership with the Whitechapel Gallery for the LONDON ART BOOK FAIR Saturday 27 September, 2pm – 3.30pm Artist, media critic and editor in chief of Neural magazine, Alessandro Ludovico is joined by Emmanuelle Waeckerle,  Delphine Bedel and Colin Sackett to discuss the shifting nature of the book as a medium, and consider what it could be(come) in today’s complex information [read more]


Filed in Conferences, Events, Research Projects

Posted on September 18, 2014 by