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Fear of Disappearance

a limited edition photobook, a zine, and a book sculpture by Mariya Ustymenko, completed in April 2015 during an Arts Council funded residency with bookRoom under the guidance of Akina, London. Fear of Disappearance sets out to explore the notion of one’s connection to a particular space and its architectural landscape and represents a very [read more]


Filed in Projects from the Press

Posted on June 24, 2015 by


Fear of disappearance

an Arts Council funded project and residency by Mariya Ustymenko under the guidance of Akina, London. The project sets out to explore the notion of identity in relation to space and architectural landscape. Mariya aims to investigate her own connection with the urban setting, and London in particular, searching for the feeling of permanency within the environment that is marked [read more]


Filed in Research Projects, Uncategorized

Posted on June 24, 2015 by