
here.here – streamed concert series


The here.here concert series of experimental music is a collaboration between bookRoom and the Audio Research Cluster at UCA Farnham, curated by Emmanuelle Waeckerlé and Harrey Whalley (Music Composition and Technology course), around their common research in extended, textual, visual, gestural and object scores and ways to integrate and experience technology in text / music / film / performances.

The concerts take place at UCA in Farnham and at IKLECTIK in London and are streamed live.

Through the curatorial process, the practice of composition and the act of performance we interrogate three main areas:

1) The extended score (video, graphic, text and traditional)

2) Interaction of the post digital (live stream and novel concert spaces)

3)  interaction between composer performers and audience

Our concert series now also seems strangely precedent because we integrated live-streaming into the fabric of the project, as a ‘blended’ model – with both live and virtual audiences.

The 4 concerts for 2019/2020 were Marie Cecile Reber(Feb. 2019, CH)Greg Caffrey(Ireland), James Saunders and Tim Parkinson(UK) and a last concert of new works by  Whalley and Waeckerle, created in response to their findings so far. Due to the global pandemic Greg Caffrey (Ireland), James Saunders and Tim Parkinson (uk) and the last concert are being rescheduled for 2021.

The 4 concerts for (2018/19) were Gildas Quartet (UK), October 2019), Marcus Kaiser (Germany), 1st and 2nd May 2019, Stefan Thut (Switzerland), 10th and 11th April 2019, Jessica Aslan and Emma Lloyd (UK), 13th March 2019.

See documentation and press release of all concerts here

Filed in Research Projects

Posted on March 12, 2019 by
