
Fear of Disappearance

a limited edition photobook, a zine, and a book sculpture by Mariya Ustymenko, completed in April 2015 during an Arts Council funded residency with bookRoom under the guidance of Akina, London.

Fear of Disappearance sets out to explore the notion of one’s connection to a particular space and its architectural landscape and represents a very personal response to the fast changing landscape of London.

Fear of Disappearance (2015)
Edition of 40, signed, £ 95

20cm x 18cm, 56 pages, laser engraved perspex, aluminium and grey board cover, handstitched in 4 sections. Digital printing on 235 gm Pergamenata Fedrigoni, off-machine laminated, Pearl Silver

 Fear of Disappearance zine (2015)

Edition of 100, 18£

A5, 52 pages, Soft cover (235 gm Pergamenata Fedrigoni, off-machine laminated, Pearl Silver), Digital printing on Freelife Cento, hand-stitched

Sequencing, printing, and binding: Akina Factory
Cover design, making, and typography: Che Kevlin





Filed in Projects from the Press

Posted on June 24, 2015 by
