bl egg go daria
A new bookRoom press publication by David Rule. ‘A trip to Sofia, the summer before the birth of Nick and Vesi’s daughter Eerie.’
An impression of Bulgaria, in thirty photographs and text, with an eye on what makes Bulgaria Bulgaria and what makes the life of Nick and Vesi so appealing.
‘Mira drives us home. She tells us of the shoe industry and the prime minister selling the best factory for one euro. She tells us of the textile industry and the world demand for polyester being unsuitable for the Bulgarian machines designed for high-quality cotton. She tells us of the rose growers saved because of the rose oil NASA buys to make their machines stronger, to stand the temperature in space. ‘You cannot imagine Bulgarian machines using polyester.’
bookRoom Press (2016), edition of 50, 13 x 20cm, 72pp
ISBN: 978-0-9576828-6-3 – 12£
Buy a copy from UCA store here